Friday, June 10, 2011

PT Was Humbling and the Kansas City Curse....

I was very excited to start PT yesterday because it meant progress towards cardio.  It was such an incredibly humbling experience that I can hardly put it into words.  For 14 months I have worked so hard to develop endurance, muscles, strength, etc.  Yesterday, I was exhausted after a regimen of towel stretches, slant board stretches, towel crunches (with my toes), sitting heel raises, dorsiflexion, plantarflexion, sitting double heel raises, etc.  I didn't do much and I was exhausted.  But, I did the exercises again at home last night and this morning at home as well.  I know that it will make a difference in the end, but being able to do some cardio would be really helpful.  I am allowed to go in the pool, but only use my arms.

The permanent boot should arrive any day now, and that will make things much better.  I am hoping that will mean some walking --- even if it is slow --- because that will make me feel like I am doing something.  I am so so so so (have I mentioned so) excited to have a session with Liberdy on Monday that I can hardly contain myself.  I think getting into a routine is going to be key to my recovery.

Since having dinner at Julian in KC on Tuesday night I haven't felt so good.  Again, I hate to rag on a chef and/or restaurant because it is such hard work, but it really wasn't a stellar meal and I have been joking (well, pseudo joking) about the "curse of Celina Tio" since that time.  Come on, what have I ever done to her?  I'm now just going to call it the Kansas City Curse.  The only thing that is making me feel better is knowing that next Wednesday night I get to have dinner at The Girl and the Goat in Chicago.  I don't know that I will ever be able to praise Stephanie Izard and her culinary talent enough.  Then, a few days later I get to eat at both Bayona and Mondo and eat Susan Spicer's amazing food.  Three dinner by my two favorite chefs within days.  I'm excited.


  1. Hi, Serena. It's Maitri. I signed up for a 5K today because I, too, am trying to be a runner and it's gotta start somewhere, i.e. committing to a race and working towards it. I've got 15 weeks and the Couch to 5K program. Think I can do it? Good lord, I hope so.

    P.S. My knees are crap, so any advice in that area is much appreciated.

  2. Maitri, go slowly and at your own pace. If you are truly hurt, don't push yourself. You can do this --- because if I can anyone can.
