Well, I still didn't get the 11 miler in. 7 miles in and the pain in my right achilles was worse that ever. I was smart enough to stop, stretch, and buy a lot of ice to "bathe" my achilles in. The pain tonight was worse than it had ever been, and it was a bit different. I woke up this morning and it felt better; it felt decent enough where I thought that I would be able to get 11 miles in. I was wrong.
I am not one to cry much, especially as a result of injuries. But the pain tonight was intense and nearly brought me to tears. I immediately called my best friend from college, a doctor I would trust with my life. If I was unable to put any weight on it, then she wanted me to go to the hospital immediately. I told her that I could put weight on it, but it really hurt to do so --- therefore I was trying not to. She took me through different flexon drills, etc. Her assessment (which, mind you, was over the telephone and from Washington, DC) was that it was a minor tear. I am to stay off of it (in terms of running) for a few days. I can use the elliptical if it feels OK. I will try to get 11-12 miles in on Sunday, which is 2 weeks before the half. Then, I was told not to run again until the half. Obviously, I will check with my doctor (local doctor) tomorrow, but it seems pretty logical.
I am worried about this because I haven't run more than 10 miles. I also know there are people who have never run more than 9 miles before finishing a half marathon --- but those people aren't me. I need that sense of knowing that I can do it, and 10 miles is still a 5K away from a half marathon. I'm mentally strong, that much I am certain of. If this were on an elliptical, I have sufficient confidence. But, the mileage combined with the pavement is what worries me. Then again, I will have prednisone on the day of the half and the adrenaline should get me through.
I guess I'm most disappointed because I thought that these achilles issues were improving. But, as with all things in life, nothing is what it seems. The disappointment will pass. But, if any of y'all out there in blog land have any advice and/or words of encouragement --- I could really use them now.
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