Friday, March 25, 2011

The Shamrock Shuffle is Only Two Weeks Away.

The Shamrock Shuffle is two weeks from Saturday, and I can’t start trying to run again until the middle of next week.  I’ve done the 5 mile distance before several times, so I’m not worried about that.  I’m just starting to realize that it is just about here and hoping and praying that I will feel good and not be embarrassed by my time.    My friend Charlie is in town this week for a conference and over dinner the other night we realized that we would both be running in the Shamrock Shuffle.  He made me feel better in the sense that he said there were 30,000 people who did it --- many who would walk it --- so not to worry about the time.  From his mouth to God’s ears. 
After next week college athletics are, for the most part, over until August.  That makes me really sad.  But not in the way you might think (even though, for the record, I am upset about my Badgers).  College athletics gave me a schedule on the weekends. It is a schedule that makes my running better.  I would wake up, go to the gym, get the run in, and then meet all of my buddies to watch the games.  I need to find something else to keep me more disciplined now.  Because this week, without cardio, it hasn’t been easy.  Sure, I have stretched and done abs and weights, but it hasn’t been the same.
Just a few more days and I can continue trying to be a runner.  My foot does feel much better.  The bruising is gone (for the most part).  I’m continuing with the ice and ibuprofen.  No more pain medication, as it made me loopy and say bizarre things about the college basketball brackets.    Have a great weekend everyone.


  1. A) You ARE a runner. I know your blog title says "trying," but you are doing it!

    B) No more thoughts about being embarrassed about your time. You're recovering from an injury, you're going to do what's a reasonable, healthy pace so you can get to that finish line! :)

  2. Thank you Natasha, I needed that.

  3. You are a runner! Speed doesn't matter -- it's getting out there and putting one foot in front of the other.

    Such a fun race and really good marathon prep. Part of the same route and the same finish.

    I did it in 2009 in a massive snow/slush storm. Feet were soaked the entire route. Wore yoga pants which instantly got soaked. No drawstring. Had to hold them up with my hands the last 2 miles because the bottoms were so wet from the weight of the snow that they kept falling down.
