I've developed a little bit on tendinitis in my achilles. As a result, my doctor told me that I have to ice my achilles after I run (which for the next week or so is still limited). Well, after speaking to my favorite folks at Varsity Sports (www.varsityrunning.com), I went to Home Depot to buy buckets to put my feet and lower legs into for these ice baths. The theory of the ice bath is that it helps with inflammation in the muscles. I was warned that the people in Home Depot might look at me a little strange --- especially because I would have to determine whether my huge feet (yes, I wear a size 10 despite being only 5 feet or so) would actually fit in the buckets.
My feet JUST fit into these buckets, so I was in luck. off to the gym I went. Today it was interval training. One minute at 7.0 mph followed by one minute at 3.5 mph --- after a 5 minute walking warm up. The intervals last for 20 minutes, and then a 5 minute cool down. Lots of stretching after the interval training, followed by core work and some leg weights. I was a mess, was feeling rushed (had to be at Tracey's for tip off at 1 p.m.), and the last thing I wanted to do was go and buy ice to soak my feet and lower legs before showering and joining my fellow Bayou Badgers for the game. But, I did it.
The ice bath was one of the most painful things that I have ever done in my life. Nothing about it felt good. But, several hours later I have to admit that my achilles and calves don't hurt at all, whereas my hip flexors are stiff. Admittedly, though, that might be from sitting and watching the Badger game. Will I do it again, probably --- but only because it does seem like the best way to help with inflammation. Will I complain about it --- absolutely.
Those ice baths do NOT sound like fun...Nor does the interval training. I'm not quite there yet but will be soon. 7.0 on a treadmill? Oh my.
Just wait until you do a full lower body ice bath in the tub after your long marathon runs. Nothing like pouring bags of ice into the tub and gearing yourself up for it. Brutal, but so helpful.