Just when I thought that I knew what was coming, it all changed.
This morning I woke up at 5:00 a.m. for the trainer. I'm not a morning person, but the thought of getting out some aggression with boxing make getting out of bed that much easier. About 20 minutes later, though, I wasn't smiling. "I'm going to change things up a bit this morning," she said, "something we haven't done before." What is going through my mind, you ask? I think you know quite well what I was thinking --- OH CRAP!!!!
The warm up was the same as every session; it is the only thing that is ever consistent. Five minutes on the treadmill, followed by two sets of squats, two sets of lunges, and two sets of push ups. Then came what I imagine hell would feel like. Liberdy knows that I am uber competitive with myself and I like to push myself. So when she tells me that we are doing times circuits and I have to try to beat my overall time on each circuit, she knows that I am going to try to kill myself beating my previous time.
If you read this blog, you have figured out (I hope) that I'm not the fastest runner out there --- relatively short distances at a fast pace are not my thing. So try to picture the look on my face when she tells me what the circuit is:
1. Run a quarter mile as fast as I can.
2. 15 push ups.
3. 20 kettle bells with 20 lbs kettle bell.
4. 5 chin ups.
5. 15 dead lifts.
6. 15 sit ups (actual sit ups, not crunches).
One minute rest, and then the circuit starts again. I was immediately upset when she outlined the full circuit. I thought that we were going to box, do some core work, etc. so I wasn't wearing my actual running shoes. I was wearing the uber comfortable Nike Frees. I also didn't have my calf compression sleeves. How was this going to impact my time? In my head I was already trying to determine if I could kill myself by trying to run in these sneakers, without the calf compression sleeves, and still do each circuit with a time better than the previous one. Ultimately I said "screw it," because I knew that I could keep ice on anything I needed to all day and that on the day of the half and the full, respectively, I knew that I was going to experience pain --- I have to learn how to run through those things and not be afraid.
I was exhausted by the end (plus, she threw in quality time with the Bosu ball on core work). Each circuit was a little faster than the one before it. The most important thing I learned, though, is that I have to stop doubting myself and have to stop worry about getting hurt. I ran the quarter mile intervals far faster than I ever imagined (and at a respectable pace for those who are far better runners than I am). Yes, my achilles hurt by the end and the shoes weren't ideal --- but I got home, iced everything for 20 minutes or so, and it wasn't so bad. This isn't the type of work out that I want to do on a frequent basis, but I can get through it and I know better than to even think about quitting.
Liberdy says this is going to help me with the mental aspects of the upcoming races; she said it is as much about mental preparation as physical preparation. I don't doubt her, but that is something that I will continue to work on.
Here are some photos from this morning's "hell":
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