Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The bosu ball.

On Wednesday mornings I meet my trainer at 5:30 a.m.  It is brutal.  I'm exhausted already and by the end of the day I won't be able to lift my arms.  I think she gets a sick pleasure out of it.  I kind of like it, though --- but I only like it after the fact.

My trainer is amazing.  She has become one of my favorite people.  I especially like her because she introduced me to the bosu ball a few months ago.

It looks pretty simple, but it is an amazing tool.  Works on core, strength, and it constantly challenges me. 

But how does the bosu ball help my running?  The truth is, I don't know.  But, it makes me feel good.  The easier certain exercises on the bosu ball become, I know that I am progressing.  Then, my trainer introduces me to new exercises with the bosu ball.  Maybe my progress on the bosu ball helps my running because it makes me feel more confident in myself and my abilities?  Maybe my progress on the bosu ball helps my running because as a result of the bosu ball I have definition in my arm muscles (although I still have a ways to go) and that makes me feel like more of an athlete?  Then again, maybe it s just something that is fun.


  1. Have also used a bosu, for lunges. I actually credit my recent half marathon PR to doing more regular strength training - and doing things on a bosu rather than weight machines are great, bc you are working more of your body (core, etc) when you do things you don't think would help running. I suck at core workouts but supposedly it will vastly improve your running... so definitely, improvement there will translate to improved running, even if it's hard to make a direct connection.

  2. I have been complaining to Brooke that I wanted a Bosu (they were on sale at Target) for awhile now. You just gave me the motivation to get one!!!!!
