The idea was to try another Bikram class at 8 a.m. Mary even agreed to try it again after we consulted the online schedule and it showed there was a different teacher for the 8 a.m. Sunday class. I picked her up a few minutes late this morning; she admitted she didn't want to call me to find out where I was in case I had overslept accidentally. We got there and were really hoping that it was not another "mat to mat" situation --- not good for those of us who aren't Bikram experts or as flexible as others. You can imagine our surprise to: (1) find there was quite a crowd for an 8 a.m. Sunday class; and (2) it was the same instructor from the other night (i.e. Nazi instructor) who was checking people in. When she started arguing with Mary and I we walked out; dealing with the Nazi instructor and another "mat to mat" situation at 8 a.m. on a Sunday just wasn't worth it.
We grabbed some oatmeal and I dropped Mary off at home. I went home, grabbed my briefcase, and the idea was to go into work. I knew there was a 10 a.m. class and I had really been looking forward to sweating and getting toxins out of my system. I started driving to the office and found myself turning the car around, back toward the yoga studio. I figured I had paid for the 30 day pass and knew it was a different instructor. I got there and saw my friend Jessica sitting outside. As I was driving away from the 8 a.m. class I saw her walking in. She asked why I had left the previous class and I explained --- she (and her friend) agreed and said they were surprised the "Nazi instructor" was teaching the 8 a.m. class.
The 10 a.m. instructor was AMAZING. Bonus was the class wasn't "mat to mat". The teacher was calm and explained everything in a way the previous instructor hadn't. Even her voice was calm, her mannerisms were more calm. She was complimentary when people tried, even if they couldn't completely grasp the pose. Bottom line is that I loved the class. I sweat profusely, toxins got out of my system, and I felt good about myself. I am definitely going to go back this week for a class or two. Sunday is the "day off" once the half marathon training starts up again. I think my "day off" is going to involve Bikram yoga because it will force me to stretch, relax, and focus.
During the last 2-3 months I have really been trying to differentiate my time at work versus my time at home. I was told that I needed to do so for my mental health because it wasn't healthy for me to be thinking about work all of the time. I am getting much better at managing my stress, but I also have a ways to go. This weekend I tried something completely different. I went into the office on Saturday morning, but I left the office at around noon and haven't checked my email for the rest of the weekend. It has been challenging not having that connection, but at the same time it has allowed me to relax a bit more and spend some "me time". I did do a little bit of work today, but I was able to do it without my email. My two yoga classes this past week have really helped --- even though I've only taken two of these classes. Part of the class involved breathing exercises and focusing on breathing. Additionally, you have to really focus on each pose --- REALLY FOCUS ON THE POSE --- instead of anything else while you are in it or you won't be able to get the pose right. It felt good this weekend to focus on me and do things for me. Hopefully it will make me better at work this week.
Bikram today came on the heels of an absolutely amazing workout yesterday. Liberdy is out of New Orleans until August 10 and before she left she threw down the gauntlet. Liberdy knows that what motivates me more than anything is a challenge and it is working. I started keeping both a food journal and an exercise journal. The food journal has been really educational. I wasn't eating badly before, but I also wasn't being as conscious of everything because I would use the reasoning that, "I am exercising a ton." I wasn't eating crap and I knew basic caloric contents, etc. But I was eating a lot of protein bars. I wasn't getting nearly enough protein --- good proteins. I was taking in far too many carbs, and I was getting the carbs in ways most people wouldn't think. I was keeping to my calorie count, but that isn't all that matters. Fruit has a ton of sugar in it and a ton of carbs. It obviously isn't the same as eating chocolate, but it was my crutch and it can't be. I need to eat more frequently throughout the day. I literally need to put a post-it note on my computer so that I remind myself to do so. Things get busy, I get bogged down, and I forget to eat. Its not intentional, but it is screwing with my metabolism.
In terms of my workouts, I am keeping track of what I do each day as well as how many calories I am burning (based on what my Garmin or the machines are telling me). I am recording my core workout and my strength training and PT, but I don't really have a way to count the calories on those things.
I have to give a huge shout out tonight to my cousin Samantha. She got married tonight in Denver and I am feeling completely guilty for not being there. Samantha and I grew up together, in a sense. During law school I would "babysit" for her while her parents were out of town --- which was a few times a month based on their work. She was in high school at the time. As she got older she would come and stay with me when she went to college and then after she finished college. She has visited me in New Orleans and I have seen her in New York. She is one of the people that really got me motivated to run. She has run marathons, half marathons, and is an amazing athlete. I wish Samantha and Russel nothing but a life full of mazel --- and, of course, many runs to come.
One month to go until Liberdy gets back to New Orleans. I am a third of the way there and I think I can win this challenge.